Monday, November 27, 2006


I admit it. I was a sell-out during our first softball game. I didn't think my classmates would react that way. And it was controversial. My classmates would hiss and say their shattered aspirations for the game but in the end it stopped and almost forgotten.

Yet this morning, our softball game ended controversially... Hisses were heard again, and sins from last week surfaced. The game was hard-fought as the team of Degu battle it out to keep up with Vinci's team, which I belonged with. It was the last inning. The score was 9 to 10; our team was on the lead. 2 outs and Arel was batting. Arel batted it hard. Arel ran towards the second base and stepped on the base; at the same time, Raffy caught the ball and stepped on the base too... And Coach yelled: "OUT!".

Heart breaking and controversial... Controversy stirs the passion and enthusiasm.

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