It was incredible to say the least. What you have planned for 3-plus months was executed beautifully! Lights of different colors shimmering on the feisty femme fatales of the night took Schoolture Shock to rock heaven. Urbandub, Mojofly, Death by Tampon, Craeons and Imago all injected their performance and to the delight of the crowd, they shocked everyone! When the dust settled, one girl band took the championship and the 15K prize,
the Bestidas from Miriam College got the honor of being the best among other femme fatales!
To all doubters and believers of Schoolture Shock, thank you for making it a wonderful experience for all of us in 4I and 4J. Hahaha all the hypertension and the drama were worth it till the end. Egos clashed and hopefully issues were settled. Stress and the clamor for recognition of work were all drained away because of the success attained. Once in a while, adding spice wasn't that bad.
Thank you sa mga kaibigan na bumili ng tickets at na nood! Hahahaha! grabe... thank you!
Thank you to Mr. Buenaseda and Magic 89.9 for all the promotions. Thank you to Mr. Jasson and Ms. Mary Arr for guiding us throughout the whole planning. Thank you to Ms. Alma and Ms. Amy for giving us the opportunity to organize an event like this. Thank you...
We made an exclamation point in LSGH! Dreams were achieved because of the hardwork and dedication of 4I and 4J.
Hahahaha Wacky and Joseph, partners in crime ka nga...
photos by dino dizon
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