Monday, October 31, 2005
Campus Horror
malay ko kung totoo..
> > >
> > > A girl was by the sink washing her face when she
> > > looked in the mirror, and saw the drops of water on
> > > her face not as what they really are but as drop of
> > > blood. And at her back, there was a headless man in
> > > soldier's uniform.
> > >
> > > Every year, students would encounter various but
> > > similarly scary experiences in that toilet. According
> > > to my research, the St. Vincent de Paul building,
> > > where the toilet is, is the oldest building of
> > > Adamson University and was used as an execution
> > > station by the Japanese army during World War II.
> > > Rumor has it that countless number of heads had been
> > > chopped off in the toilet itself.
> > >
> > > - OSC Arnel B. Tablizo Jr.
> > >
> > >
> > > Sacred Heart Novitiate: The story of the "stairs" is
> > > one that forces retreat-goers to go around in the
> > > "safety" of groups. Legend has it that late one night,
> > > a group of students went downstairs to go "exploring"
> > > after the others had gone to sleep. The frightening
> > > thing was that no matter how long they kept going down
> > > the flights of stairs from the 3rd floor dorm hall
> > > they occupied, they could not seem to find the ground
> > > floor landing. Even more sinister was that they kept
> > > passing the same eerie painting of
> > > Christ at each floor landing, over and over again.
> > >
> > > - OSC Catherine Candano
> > >
> > > It happened few years ago in College of Saint
> > > Benilde. In an early morning class, a girl in black
> > > dress entered room M-409 where a class was ongoing.The
> > > class didn't mind the girl thinking that she was only
> > > sitting in. Suddenly, in the middle of the teacher's
> > > lecture, the girl stood up, walked towards the front
> > > wall and, to the awe of everyone, vanished. Until now
> > > that ghost story still scares students who take
> > > classes in the said room.
> > >
> > > - OSC Neptali Esguerra
> > >
> > >
> > > One day last February, even before the 7am classes
> > > started, a young Accounting sophomore decided to drop
> > > by the St. La Salle Chapel to say a quick prayer for
> > > her accounting exam. She reached the empty chapel,
> > > went to the very first pew, knelt down, and with eyes
> > > shut, began to pray. A few minutes later, she heard a
> > > shuffling sound and frantic footsteps. The student
> > > opened her eyes and saw a limping, pale-faced man
> > > reaching out towards her, his torn clothes covered in
> > > blood, a bayonet sticking in his chest and mouthing
> > > the words, "Help me..."
> > >
> > > -OSC Paolo Gamboa
> > >
> > > *DLSU Main building was used as a bomb shelter
> > > during World War II
> > >
> > >
> > > At 10 pm one night, one ROTC cadet was relieving
> > > himself in one of the comfort rooms at the third floor
> > > of the Paterno building when he unmistakably made out
> > > the figure of a woman dressed in white floating in the
> > > air. The vision made him scream in intense fright,
> > > catching the attention of his other companions. Upon
> > > their arrival, they witnessed the same lady hovering
> > > in the air. It was seven in the evening at another
> > > instance, when a janitor getting ready to go home
> > > noticed a mysterious lady enter one of the restrooms
> > > at the third floor. He followed the lady to warn her
> > > that the part of building was strictly prohibited. He
> > > entered the restroom and saw no one there. According
> > > to stories, the Paterno Building, which had existed
> > > even before t he eruption of World War II, was used
> > > as a garrison by the Japanese during the war.
> > >
> > >
> > > When graduation time is near, the Princess Lawan Bae
> > > Hall (PLBH) dorm residents can usually hear footsteps
> > > along the hallway, though no one is there. The old
> > > janitress says they are seniors who committed suicide
> > > after finding out that they were pregnant. One
> > > restroom cubicle in the dorm has been closed since
> > > residents claim feeling unexplainable, eerie
> > > sensations when they use it. It is said that one of
> > > the students performed self-abortion and died inside
> > > that cubicle. It has been 8 years now but it remains
> > > closed.
> > >
> > > - OSC Ritchel Gabutin
> > >
> > >
> > > A lovelorn spirit on our campus possessed a high
> > > school freshman girl a few months back. She would
> > > often see the "guy" standing near a Balete tree at the
> > > back of our campus' HS building. She
> > > would say that when Allen (the guy or spirit's name)
> > > enters her body he would tour her around the campus
> > > and tell her that she looks so much like his dead
> > > girlfriend. The girl now goes to a new school and
> > > words have it that Allen did not bother her anymore.
> > >
> > > -OSC Joyce Enriquez
> > >
> > >
> > > "She was once there and she never left," according
> > > to one housekeeper of PUP Jasmin hostel, reluctant to
> > > tell the exact room number of the so-called "haunted
> > > room." Residents of the hostel reveal that every time
> > > they pass by the corridor during late afternoon and
> > > early in the morning, they could hear murmurs and
> > > cries coming from the haunted room. Stories say that a
> > > female nursing board examinee committed suicide
> > > insidethe room. Many have had experiences seeing her
> > > walking in her nursing uniform at the middle of the
> > > night or appearing in bathroom mirrors-with blood on
> > > her face. She also loves to knock on the door and if
> > > one opens, he would find no one but sense an eerie
> > > feeling. Residents believe that once you open the
> > > door, she comes in the room, so they advise not to
> > > open the door.
> > >
> > > - OSC Jonizel Lagunzad
> > >
> > >
> > > You will be shocked to know that there are no
> > > mirrors in some of the comfort rooms in the campus.
> > > It is for the reason that an anonymous lady appears
> > > in the mirror unexpectedly and really scares the
> > > students. It has been said that one student committed
> > > suicide in that comfort room.
> > >
> > > - OSC Christi Estepa
> > >
> > >
> > > A group of high school girls had a play in the
> > > Little Theater. They took shots of them and when the
> > > film was developed, a nun was with them during
> > > curtain call. The nun had no face, floating, tip-toed,
> > > and her hands were clasped a s though in prayer. Her
> > > hands were pointed downwards and her head was
> > > cracked as though she had been hanged!
> > >
> > > - OSC Anthea Lamigo
> > >
> > >
> > > In one of their overnight press work, the section
> > > editor decided to take a rest and went out of the
> > > editorial board cubicle. Suddenly, he heard the
> > > tick-tack of the keyboards, as if someone was
> > > typing. Knowing that he was all alone, he decided to
> > > look if somebody was using the computer.
> > > To his surprise, he saw the name Jackie repeatedly
> > > typed on the screen. The keyboard continued to
> > > tick-tack until the screen was filled with the name
> > > Jackie. While the news editor was encoding his
> > > article, someone said "hello" to him.When he looked
> > > around, a pretty girl approached him and again
> > > whispered "hello." All of a sudden, the girl
> > > disappeared. Dian, our present culture editor, who
> > > has a third eye, said that she was able to talk to
> > > Jackie. Jackie later on revealed that her real name is
> > > Patricia.
> > > Jackie revealed that she's always around since she
> > > finds the office peaceful. She also claimed that our
> > > office was then a park with a well and benches.
> > > According to Dian, Patricia (or Jackie) is a Spanish
> > > looking lady, with fair complexion, stands 5'5" and
> > > looks like a doll.
> > >
> > > - OSC Meryl Pecache
> > >
> > >
> > > Baker Hall: There was a group of guys who passed by
> > > Baker Hall and noticed that there was a party going
> > > on. Everybody was dressed like they were in the'80s
> > > era. They had such a great time that they wanted to
> > > invite their other friends along. So, out they went
> > > and when they came back, Baker Hall was as quiet and
> > > as dark as the night.
> > >
> > > - OSC Ria Henares
> > >
> > > Red Eyes Benitez Hall, which houses the College of
> > > Education, is considered the most haunted building in
> > > the campus (the oldest as well). It used to be one of
> > > the Japanese interrogation camps during World War II
> > > that's why many Filipino and American soldiers died
> > > there. One very rainy afternoon, a female instructor
> > > got stranded in front of the Education Building. As
> > > such, she begged the security guard to let her pass
> > > the night in the building.The guard agreed and locked
> > > her up in one of the classrooms. It was a restless
> > > night for the lady. She knew the ghost stories but
> > > refused to believe them. In the classroom was a door
> > > with a peeping hole. Curious at what was going on
> > > outside, she peeped an dsaw nothing but the color
> > > red. The next morning, she asked the security guard
> > > if the ghost stories are true. "Yes Ma'am, it is,"
> > > answered the man. "One of the ghosts sighted is in
> > > fact seen as dressed
> > > in white and with big RED EYES."
> > >
> > > - OSC Precious Cardenas
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > The weird and eerie experience happened two years
> > > ago when I was facilitating a retreat (Days with the
> > > Lord) in Don Bosco Technical College Mandaluyong. The
> > > session that night almost finished before midnight;
> > > my co-facilitators and I were heading off to our
> > > sleeping quarters when one of them told us that he
> > > was going to introduce someone and we asked, "Who?"
> > > He said meet "Puti," but I couldn't see anyone! He
> > > then asked me to raise my arms just in front of where
> > > I was and it suddenly felt freezing cold. I
> > > immediately ran to the sleeping quarters and left
> > > them. The following day, I learned that they were
> > > able to talk to "Puti," a young and playful kid who
> > > was shot in the middle of an encounter during the
> > > war. He continues to haunt the old Dona Cecilia
> > > corridors and manifests himself through a white
> > > silhouette as described by the security guards who
> > > would often see him play at night.
> > >
> > > - Cedric Ira A. Aquino
> > >
> > > It happened a few years back. An old male college
> > > teacher was seen eating alone in a corner during a
> > > College Faculty luncheon. Some teachers who saw him
> > > attested that he looked a bit strange and unusually
> > > quiet. They invited him to join their group discussion
> > > but he just gave them a blank stare. After a while,
> > > he just disappeared and nobody noticed him go out of
> > > the room. The bizarre thing about it is that this
> > > certain teacher was already in the hospital slumped on
> > > his deathbed at that very same moment. A few hours
> > > later, he was dead.
> > > When his desk was cleaned by his fellow teacher a
> > > few days after his death, the teacher was so shocked
> > > to find a note personally addressed to her, thanking
> > > her for everything.
> > >
> > > - OSC Owen Jaen
> > >
> > >
> > > Seen at: Kalayaan residence
> > > The story: It was the onset of sem break. While a
> > > resident was still packing her bag, her roommate was
> > > ready to go. Since the former wasn't done yet, the
> > > latter went ahead. Then the roommate's parents came
> > > in looking for her. The resident told them that she
> > > already left. When the resident was about to finish
> > > her packing, she opened the closet and saw her
> > > roommate inside--already decomposing.
> > >
> > >
> > > Seen at: Vinzons Hall (second-floor comfort room)
> > >
> > > The story: A student was sitting in the toilet when
> > > he felt someone was patting or smoothing his head.
> > > When he looked up, a girl, hanging from the ceiling,
> > > was staring at him straight in the eye.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Seen at: One of the jeepneys plying the campus (sorry,
> > > I don't know the plate number, etc.) The story: A guy
> > > made sabit at the end of the jeepney because it was
> > > full of passengers. After a few minutes, the driver
> > > curiously asked him why he wasn't taking a seat. As
> > > the guy was a bout to say that all the seats were
> > > taken, he saw that the jeepney was empty.
> > >
> > > Pahabol pa:
> > >
> > > Ikot Jeep incident #2: Nag-iisa na lang yung girl sa
> > > jeep nung pauwi na siya sa dorm ng 9pm. Nagulat siya
> > > ng biglang nag-iba yung direction ng jeep,di na nito
> > > sinusunod yung route nito. Nakiusap siya: "Manong,
> > > bababa po ako sa ***** dorm," pero di siya pinansin ng
> > > driver. Nang bumalik ito sa ikot route, nakiusap ulit
> > > yung girl. So pinababa nga siya sa may dorm, pero bago
> > > siya bumaba sinabihan siya ng driver: "Ineng, pag-uwi
> > > mo hubarin mo agad iyang mga damit mo at kung pwede
> > > sunugin mo agad. Iniba ko yung ruta para makaiwas sa
> > > disgrasya. Kanina kasi pagtingin ko sa salamin, wala
> > > kang ulo."
> > >
> > > Dorm incident #1: The Copycat
> > >
> > > Ito nangyari sa room namin. Kasama ko bumaba sa lobby
> > > si Len at si Gie. Ang naiwan na lang sa room ay si
> > > Yzelle at si Ruby na parehong paalis din. Bago sila
> > > umalis, nakita nila si Gie na nakaupo sa may table
> > > niya at nakatalikod sa kanila. "Gie, alis muna kami."
> > > Eto ang nakakakilabot, nagtanong pa kung sino man yung
> > > nakatalikod na yun sa kanila (at nakatalikod pa rin
> > > siya) kung saan sila pupunta.
> > > Laking gulat na lang nila nang makita nila kami ni Gie
> > > at Len sa baba.
> > > At oo nga pala, may batang nagpakita sa mga dating
> > > nag-occupy ng room namin.
> > > Bigla siyang nagvanish into thin air...
> > >
> > > Dorm incident #2:
> > >
> > > Nangyari to dun sa katapat na room namin. Nagising ng
> > > madaling araw yung girl, na may feeling na may
> > > nagmamasid sa kanya. Pagdilat niya, una niyang nakita
> > > ay mukha ng babae na nakadungaw sa kanya (whatever,
> > > basta magkaharap mukha nila), except that walang
> > > mukha yung babae. All white. Sa shock, walang nagawa
> > > yung dormer. Pinanood na lang nya yung babae habang
> > > lumalabas ito ng room nila...hindi sa pinto, kundi sa
> > > bintana. Di na siya nakatulog pagkatapos noon kahit
> > > nagtalukbong siya ng kumot.
> > >
> > > Dorm incident #3:
> > >
> > > Matutulog na yung girl(from same corridor sa 2nd
> > > floor) nang maalala niya na di pa pala siya
> > > naghihilamos. The time was around 3am, pero di naman
> > > siya naniniwala sa multo dati so ok lng sa kanyang
> > > magsolo sa cr. Naghilamos nga siya mag-isa. Nang
> > > tumingin siya sa salamin habang sinasabon ang mukha,
> > > nakita niya...nakangiti ang reflection niya sa kanya.
> > > Takbo siya sa room nila nang me sabon pa ang mukha.
> > > Mineral water na lang ang pinambanlaw niya.Siyempre di
> > > ko malilimutang sabihin na during the witching hour
> > > (3-4am), may naririnig kaming nagdadrag ng
> > > furniture...rinig sa 2nd floor till basement..
Sunday, October 30, 2005
Sa paraiso
Dito sa panaginip ko, natagpuan ko ang lahat na di ko makamit...paraiso ba?
Sa paraiso ka nga... hiwalay na pagkakaibigan, masakit na kailangan walang ganyan!
Sa paraiso parang isang placebo, swallow this sugar pill and let it fool your stupid ill...
Some found it...maybe love, wealth, health, fame...yet they're temporary materials (di ko alam sa love pwede kasi motherly, brotherly, erotic love eh meron dyan na tempo...)
May isang lalake, bumibili ng ice cream malapit sa santolan... sa panandaliang sarap at lamig ng ice cream, nahanap na yta niya ang paraiso...
Saturday, October 29, 2005
Too Fast
Too Fast!!!
Ang bilis ng panahon pagkatapos ako mag-search in... as in (kailangan ko pa idiin)
Kaya may bago akong ek-ek, i'm living my life in present times... tama ba? Wala na akong pake sa past achievements or ek-ek, mas important ang ngayon...
Here i am living... va va voom blowzoom...
Friday, October 28, 2005
Ang Eraser na naging Pencil brand na ginagamit ng mga Pupil sa school
Where in the world is Ely Buendia?

According sa Wikipedia,
-Ely Buendia is a Pinoy rock musician. After quitting the Eraserheads as lead singer and guitarist, he formed The Mongols band. In May 2005, The Mongols disbanded because of legal reasons. He later formed a new band called Pupil, along with the same band members.
according to me,
Huli kong nakita sa ely buendia sa TV ay sa MTV Awards... still rocking with his guitar and voice... at sa Digital Tour with his new named band Pupil
Cguro naman na lahat ay may alam na taga Eraserheads si ely buendia at nag Mongol siya, pero isang album lang... hmmm tapos nagdisband sila for legal reasons tapos isang member nila umalis, kaya nabuo ang Pupil!!!!
Pupil... mongol members pa rin minus yung nag quit... hmmmm hindi ko pa narinig yung music nila kaya... sana good ol music ang ma produce ng Pupil...
Ang sagot sa tanong kung na saan si Ely Buendia... siya'y busy kasama ang pupil sa recording studio para i-release ang debut album ng Pupils... ang "Beautiful Machines" coming in November 9 yta at sa mga gigs busy din siya...
for more info visit Pupil website
At ako'y nakahiga...natulala sa kaniyang kagandahan..
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Aluminum Homecoming
Aluminum Homecoming
"Lahat nagwawala, naloloko
Sa hardin ng mga bulalakaw
Akin nasilip, kay marilag na dalaga..."
Pech-pech na sketch... ang dirty tlga kapag beach volleyball para bang naglalaro tlga sa beach...
Hindi ko na alam ang gagawin sa sembreak... ahhhhh happy days....
Saturday, October 22, 2005
<~kasing tamis ng Lanzones~>

joseph erico p. teoxon
inspired by mcdonalds(love ko 'to) and Andy Warhol(andy you taste like brandy)
Kasing tamis ng lanzones... aking natikman... parang wishlist na aking wish na iyong pakinggan!
- have a happy life - yet it's not possible
- the FF in my life: family and friends
- keep my friends
- good grades
- VideoCam - wla lang para techy hindi sa papel at rental
- DigiCam - yeah let's go techy
- NEW shirts
- another pair of jeans!
- PS2 or PS3
- faster internet connection
- underwear (briefs) - seryoso
- makatikim uli ng CHICKENJOY
- Gumawa ng kwela na project mapa MTV, Play, skit
- ah! buy gifts for friends!
- meet someone who's famous...
- maka-usap si PGMA at sabihin sa kaniya na todo suporta ako
- Matapos na ang ERD!
- pumunta sa Europe!!! Yung setting sa "cool" video ni Gwen Stefani
- maging director
- maging teacher
- maging lawyer
- lumipad
- hmmm makita at mapakinggan si E
- try everyfood in the world
- sumayaw
- matuto mag Moonwalk
- meet interesting people
- advice "my favorite show" to go local tv!!!
- marami pa!!!
wlang magawa... matagal ko na gustong gawing Andy style ang mukha ko...
Kahapon ng gabi...pumunta kami sa Poveda Varsity Night... okay nman... 1st time ko lang makapasok... daming mga mestiza and other people hahahha... hay naku...
Nagperform ang spongecola and... wla lang... masaya...................
Friday, October 21, 2005
Kaluluwa and Sabaw
Jesma at ako ay ni represent ang class for the student forum... hay nako pangalawa ko na ito...
Wlang pasok ngayon...
Wla na akong masilungan...
Wla na rin mainuman...
Tanggalin na ang sabaw sa buhay... huwag maging Padre Damaso... huwag maging tamad!
Happy Birthday kay...? ang labo
Thursday, October 20, 2005
Faith baby!! Faith!!! Gotta have FAITH!!!
Buwiset na chem... hahahha bla-bla-bla-bla (nonsense typing puro lang sa chem...ibahin naman)
isa sa pinaka touching na quotes...
sabi ni Rufus the Cat:
"Faith is a blue bird, we see from far. It's for real and as sure as the first evening star, you can't touch it or buy it or wrap it up tight but it's there just the same, making things turn out right."
sobrang na-touch ako sa quote ni Rufus the cat as in sobra...
kung daga lang ako... at kasing swerte ni Bernard... haaaaayyyy Bianca!!! Dream mouse ng mga daga!!!

Wednesday, October 19, 2005
Orange are for you
Is this the end of the line for me last in this race...
Lift up your head let's go for another ride...
This time i'll finish first..
Hehehe such a sabaw week to start a new quarter... well that's life... hahahah
Isang himala ang naganap muntikan na mahimatay si miss kasi si Didik isang classmate ay dalawang mistake lang sa exam! Mas mataas pa sa mgalaing namin! ang galing!!! sa bagay gumaling siya sa geom last quarter! Isang patunay na kailangan mag aral!!! wahahahah miracle or just the world turning upside down!!!
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
wait till 18
wait till 18 ang sabi ko sa sarili
wait till 18 sabi ng isang bookstore
wait till 18 sabi ng 7/11 when buying tobacco and alcohol
wait till 18 kasi legal na lahat tulad ng Regal Films
wait till 18 kasi pwede ka na maglayas at pumunta sa Parasiong Parisukat
wait till 18 kasi pwede ka na mag Casino sa internet
wait till 18 kasi pwede ka na uminom ng yakult
wait till 18 kasi wala nang pipigil sa iyo pumunta sa tindahan ni aling nena
wait till 18 liberated ka na kasi pwde na manood ng "MASAHISTA"
wait till i'm 18...
'cause that day i'll look for and say what is true, that day a friend i'll never lose and ask:
my favorite song: Dr. Quack-Quack!!!
early in the morning...hypnotized by a what!
early in the morning...nagpainit ng tubig
early in the morning...LSS: wala sa mood
early in the morning...shaking like a leaf
early in the morning...early in the morning...
its just not my morning...
ito ang napapala ng mga taong pinagpapantasya si piolo pascual... natutulala... napapa early in the morning... (joke)
early in the morning while surfing the net...hello there KAPOOF!
hahahhaahahah! oh god.... parang na cutiez(haha word learned from gec!) hahaha at na Etchusa(narinig ko kay Howie at sa THE BUZZ, salitang bakla pala yun..) i should have known better never write your name to anything nyahahhaha...anyway just shake it off and continue...
CSB is my destination?
pero ahem there's a new hope! Sa CSB pala may film ngunit CSB yun!!!! Mahal at may reputation na tambakan ng mga hindi nakapasa sa DLSU!!! Pero sila ang may pinakamagandang facility sa FILM!!! what da!!!!
BAD NEWs sinabi ko sa mom ko na gusto ko sana film tapos agad niyang sagot: "Wla nmang trabaho doon... panget yung course"
Medyo na shatter lang confidence ko... ugh! shit... gonna tell sir jun...
Monday, October 17, 2005
You're so Vain - Carly Simon

To know is my pleasure....
Yet day by day you find me annoying...
Deep inside, I'm a chismoso...
You think this blog's about you... don't you? don't you?
Hehehe uhm random thoughts... um yup its coming near SEMBREAK... hay naku...
matagal-tagal na rin akong nag blog... grabe...
Why we crave for the secrets of others especially celebrities?
Yup, mahilig ako sa tsismis kasi natatawa ako sa mga SHOWBIZ chika tuwing weekends... si ganiyan nagbati tapos nagaway tapos naghalikan tapos sextape tapos hiwalay tapos si Big Brother...
Bakit ba kailangan pakialaman ang buhay ng iba... sa kaduludulohan pa ng kanilang kuko kailangan pa istorya! hehehe may magagawa ba tayo?
Buhay artista! Buhay di ko maitindihan...
Vain... nah... just loving... lovesick... nah... sick... nah... bored... nah... missing someone... yah i guess... hmmm... ah mas lalo na lolo ko... i love you kung sino ka man nagbabasa ng blog ko (i love you whoever is reading this blog)
Etchusa... oh gosh... hmmmm Piolo? Bakit napunta si PIOLO sa BLOG ko!!! what da! ADONIS!!! WAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA! just for laughs lang...

Sunday, October 16, 2005
Secrets are interesting... Without secrets Life will be boring... Don't You Think?
Without secrets Life will be boring... Don't You Think?"
Pagkatapos ng isang week na walang internet card dahil naubos sa Chemistry Project... ako'y nagbabalik para maghasik ng lagim!
Tapos na ang exams... belated happy birthday kay fati... at noong thursday sa Galle nakita ko si Sandara yta... hahahahahaha... salamat tapos na ang exams

The news baby! Let's start with Benitez baby! Dahil daw sa kaniya ibabalik ang trophy... di ko alam kung si Benitez pero kung ako hindi naman kailangan ibalik yung trophy! Pinaghirapan ng DLSU tapos biglang mawawala! Hindi naman star si Benitez... at so what naman... argh! Big deal! Kung sana si Cardona or Yeo ang nangpeke ng documents baka tlgang ibalik yung trophy ksi STAR sila baby!!!! Ahem... hindi tlga natin alam kung si Benitez...PRESUMED INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY... kaya... kawawa naman si Benitez... natalo na nga ang DLSU kailangan pa pag piyestahan ng MEDIA!!!! Hindi ito BUFFET!!!!! for the whole news -> what da and who da
Bakit wala kayo sa WET and WILD party ni Jamby?

Kawawa nman sila Teofisto Guingona at si Fr. Robert reyes... heheh para silang basang sisiw... Isang matinong prayer assembly nauwi sa Slippery and Wet party ng RECTO!
Ksalanan ksi ng mga groud commanders sa Recto dahil akala nila madadaan ang lahat sa water cannon! Kailangan ba nila ma-provoke! Sus!! Sisishin na naman nila si PGMA!!! YUP! The Blame game baby!!!! Kailangan may malagot...
According sa PNP, yung grupo nila Fr. Robert ang humiwalay sa 'permitted' group... cguro nag-shortcut... anyway sa sobrang paranoid ng mga ground commanders na ang grupo nila Fr. Robert ay maging political rally ek-ek binasa sila... para hindi maghasik ng lagim sa Recto... Para sa akin na overkill ito... abusing of power ang ginawa ng mga police...
Ako'y nagaral ng social science noong 1st year at sa natutunan ko hindi pwede maghalo ang Politics at Religion!!!! Sana hindi gamitin ang religion sa pagkuha ng POWER sa government!! Hay naku... stop it baby!
Please baby... don't blame it on PGMA... blame it on the police na na provoke dahil nagisip sila ng mas maaga para hindi na mang gulo ang prayer rally!!!!
Medyo stupid din yung mga police... PRAYER RALLY nga eh!!!! PRAYER RALLY!!! WLA NAMANG BANDERA NG MAYO-UNO o BAYAN MUNA!!!!! HAy naku... shambles grumbles
for the whole story -> Wet and wild
Napanood ko na yung "The 40-year-old Virgin" hahaha nakaka iyak.... joke..... nakakatawa at bastos... hahah nakakarelate ako... nyahahahhaha joke!!! Man cannot live without secrets and it makes life more interesting like PNP, Benitez, and Andy... they all have secrets...
Monday, October 10, 2005
Its the start of a new day

Exam week na naman...ang bilis talaga ng panahon!
And something tells me, i should do something like...STUDY!!
Baka bumagsak ako sa Chem... grabe, noong todo lang ako nagaral sa isang test sa Chem doon ko lang nakuha!
Bagsisi!!! Argh!!!!! Hahaha! Pagkatapos ng exam...ewan ko dalhin na lang ako ng hangin pero hawak ko pa rin ang manebela ng buhay!
Filipino... hay naku filipino... hahahaha malapit na ang pasko?
Ano wishlist nyo?
Hindi ako makapaniwala mas mahal pa si D kaysa PPG!!!
WAH!!! Friday... kasama si jaime sa galle... hahahha ok... pero wala nga lang pera!!!!
HAHAHHA GOd! if you're reading this blog!!! Guide me!!!!
Saturday, October 08, 2005
Sa aking mga guro!
Magaling magturo
Ang pangalan niya ay Merielle (meray)
Galing lang sa Camp John Hay
Meron akong guro
Magaling guro
Ang pangalan niya ay Laurio
Kwaderno pinabalot sa diyaryo
Meron akong guro
Magaling magturo
Panginoon ng ngiti, si Dino
Kasing galing ni Kim Palatino
Meron akong guro
Magaling magturo...
Friday, October 07, 2005
Mission Failed
Monday, October 03, 2005

That's how Sen. Drilon run his political career.
During Estrada's administration, he turned his back and rallied against erap... eh kasi naman ang pangit na ng reputation ni erap..
Noong nag-sorry si GMA, sa mga news siya yung nagsalita na walang kasalanan si GMA...
After 2-3 weeks, bumaliktad na siya kasama ang mga HUDAS na HYATT 10!!!
Tapos kahapon sa Unang Hirit... clearing his name for the alleged plot against GMA (which i doubt is true... propaganda ek-ek) Nagsalita siya... at ayoko na maniwala... mukha nga pa siya tumatakbo para sa 2008!
Tinanong kung totoo yung allegations.... sagot summary ng political career niya!
Buti pa si Escudero... Kamukha ni Bamboo in some way!!!

Saturday, October 01, 2005
Tama na Itay!!!
Ahem! This image can say a thousand stories...
- mukhang mayabang look na naawa sa sarili
- pilit na pinapangiti at tinatakot...
- sawa na sa buhay
- gusto na lang matulog pero hindi makatulog
- Le Miserable the person
- Hunchback of Notre Dame fan
- The Three Musketeers chocolate bar addict
- Umiiyak
- nakangiti
- hindi pa naliligo
- caught in the act
- seph ang lalakeng wlang pahinga
- ginising
- masakit ang ulo
- kakasipilyo lang
- tumatawa
- nakakita ng multo
- umaarte bilang don rafael..
- pinagsabihan ng magulang
- wlang make-up
- wlang tulog
- hang-over
- binangungot
- pinulikat
- nilalamig
- pilit ginagaya ang smile ni Mr.Dino (panginoon ng Chem)
- Marlon Brando look-a-like
- Balong's long lost cousin
- Bojo's kargador sa kama
- ETCHUSA! gusto ko!
- lover in binondo
- ibarra's servant
- hinahanap-hanap kita!
- adik sa 'yo
- LSS update: Kisapmata by Rivermaya is still playing in my head! currently: 4 days!
- sinuntok ng assistang manager ng DLSU
- LSS update: Heaven knows (this angel has flown) by Orange and Lemons currently: 2 days...
- HAY NAKU!!!! Ipagpapatuloy!!!
Pero isang word lang ang makakadescribe diyan:
SABAW! (scratch & sniff version)
Hehehe hay naku... paumanhin kung kayo ay kumakain at napunta sa blog na ito... miserable ang beauty ko sa pic na yan!!!
Ang story diyan kasi high na high ako!!! seryoso... drogang extimox... oh! at parang da vinci code ang pinagdaan ko diyan.... long story...
isa sa mga pinaka miserableng pix na nakita ko (kasama na yng nakapikit ako...)
SABAW.... thanx kay jaime for the pic kung wala ang karindirya ni Jaime hindi ko na alam! Sa pansitan na lang ni Manang Lolita...
Ang huling pagtuhod ni Jon Jon (random thoughts)
Ang unang araw ng E-VAT! yes?! 10%! Kailangan magtiis... NO PAIN, NO GLORY!
Pagkagisng ko, ang sakit ng aking likod! Oh the pain...
I hate to be a party pooper but i think those damned tickets for LSGH parties should have a better purpose! Like a saucer, plate, napkin, hanky...
Prom date... nah... di ako excited sa prom... tinanong sa akin kung sino prom date ko sabi ko: "ewan" :(
What is to be a konyo? What is it to be a gangsta? I don't know... i just don't know...
medyo excited ako sa HABAGAT issue... first time na may i-publish na sinulat ko... nyahahahha
Muntik muntikan na ako bumagsak sa chemistry... di kasi nagaral... dahil sa pag patrol sa canteen nakapasa ako!

Yan nga pala si Mr. Dino... chem teacher...oh yeah.. hahahhah goodbye! NOVEMBER 1!